Protein NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance)
Hear from one of our experts

“We provide the full NMR service from construct design through to data processing and analysis. Our scientists access state of the art spectrometers at either Birmingham or Leeds Universities. We have significant experience in producing high quality labelled (15N, 13C and 2H) proteins and can also perform residue specific labelling if required.”
Roberto Maya-Martinez: Senior Protein Scientist
Summary of what we provide
At Peak Proteins we offer NMR to support three aspects of research.
Protein NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) Resources
Title | Content | Categories | Resources Types | hf:categories | hf:tax:resource_type | |
A Comparison of the Structural Techniques used at Sygnature Discovery: X-ray Crystallography, NMR and Cryo-EM | Cryo-EM, Our Blog, Peak Favourites, Protein NMR, X-ray Crystallography | Blog | MORE | cryo-em blog peak-favourites protein-nmr x-ray | blog | |
Protein and the Planet 2: Directed Evolution of Proteins | Cryo-EM, Our Blog, Protein NMR, X-ray Crystallography | Blog | MORE | cryo-em blog protein-nmr x-ray | blog | |
The Magnetic Attraction of Protein NMR – and why you might be drawn to it! | Our Blog, Protein NMR | Blog | MORE | blog protein-nmr | blog |