Update On The Move | Peak Proteins

Update on the Move

We thought we’d give you an update on the move with some more photos – it’s certainly changing pretty quickly and we’re on course to be all settled in by the end of March.

Update On The Move | Peak Proteins

Checking on progress are left to right – Jo Hartley, Hazel Weir, Tina Howard, Mark Abbott, Derek Ogg and Steve Young

Marks office scaled

Mark’s (Abbott) Office!

Wash Autoclave scaled

The Wash Autoclave

eu lab

The Eukaryotic Laboratory

Protein Lab scaled

The Protein Laboratory

Cold room 1 1 scaled

The Cold Room

Open Plan Office scaled

Open Plan Office

open plan office 2 scaled

Open Plan Office

IMG 3868 scaled

The Quiet Meeting Rooms

sitting area

The Sitting Area


The Kitchen


The Kitchen

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