Hasana Baber PhD

Protein Scientist

Hasana Baber has experience in protein expression, purification and analysis gained in academia.

More about Hasana

Protein science and crystallography became an interest to Hasana during the first year of her BSc Biomedical Science degree at Keele University. She spent the summer between her second and third years working on protein expression and purification and later completed her final year project in protein crystallisation. This experience confirmed her desire to continue academic research at Keele, leading to a PhD where Hasana successfully expressed and purified a galactokinase from Leishmania donovani in E. coli; a protein not previously purified. She then had a plan of where the project could extend to and paved her own path during her PhD with great help from her supervisors, postdocs and fellow PhD students.

After her experience of academia, Hasana decided to venture into the private, industrial sector and is excited to join the Peak Proteins team within Sygnature Discovery, to develop her professional career with new challenges in a new environment.

In her spare time, Hasana enjoys finding new hiking trails to explore in the Peak District, rain or shine. In colder months you’d find her reading one of the almost 200 books in her physical or digital library (not that she has read them all, she likes collecting them and telling herself she’ll get to them). Hasana is currently in the process of learning Egyptian Arabic and her favourite pastime is spending quality time with family and catching up with friends.