Ian Hampton BSc

Senior Cell Scientist

Ian has over 30 years experience in the pharmaceutical industry, with expertise in all forms of cell culture.

Ian Hampton BSc Expert in Recombinant Protein Expression

More about Ian

Ian Hampton entered the world of work having no idea what he wanted to do. After a year working as a salesman for a TV rental company both parties realised this was one career to cross off his list.

He joined ICI and found that he enjoyed the practical lab work particularly the “fiddly things” that could irritate some. With more than 30 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, he has a broad knowledge of protein expression using E. coli, insect and mammalian cells and he gets great satisfaction from trying to make these systems work as efficiently and reliably as possible. However he understands that the starting point for all protein purification scientists is that the level of expression is low which then makes their subsequent purifications really interesting!

He enjoys the outdoors, walking, gardening while listening to bird songs in the spring. He is not so keen on watching long ball football matches and leaving the borough.

Employee Spotlight

I express recombinant proteins using mammalian cells, insect cells and E.coli.

I was volunteering with the National Trust and a local grow your own fruit and vegetables charity

Geography, studying OS maps, interpreting weather charts, growing wheat on the American Prairies I enjoyed it all, some subjects give you a lifetime of pleasure. I love maps and I am obsessed about the weather.

Gilbert White (1720-1793). He was a cleric who studied the natural world around his home in Hampshire and kept journals of his observations in great detail for many years. I suppose he was an early ecologist. There were no field guides or Apps available for reference, you have to admire his questioning mind and enthusiasm.

Mark Abbott was thinking about starting his own protein supply business at Alderley Park where we had both worked. I had always been employed by large organisations and I thought it would be interesting to be involved in a small start-up business and I offered my help, there was no financial risk to me and I had the time. I only intended to stay for a year or two.

I like seeing the band on a gel showing expression has occurred satisfactorily for our needs.

I enjoy being outdoors, walking, cycling and some gardening.

DIY. I don’t mind a bit of decorating.

I like any meal involving fish.

Clean drinking water for everyone on the planet.

Laurel and Hardy, the song of a Willow warbler in the spring time.

Favourite film, The Damned United starring Michael Sheen. Favourite song, Limelight. Rush.

There is nothing surprising about me.