Dr Sam Dix | Peak Proteins

Peak Proteins’ Welcomes Dr Sam Dix

Peak Proteins welcomes Dr Sam Dix as a Senior Protein Scientist.

Starting Academic Life as a Biochemist

Sam graduated with a degree in Biochemistry from the University of Sheffield.  During his time as an undergraduate, Sam worked at GlaxoSmithKline, initially under the Sheffield Undergraduate Research Experience scheme analysing dynamics through protein structures and then summer research experience focusing on eukaryotic cell line protein expression.

Working in the Bioscience Biochemistry Division, Sam also undertook an industrial placement investigating the production of antibody-drug conjugates through both recombinant protein biosynthesis and chemical conjugation.  In the Structural Biology Department, he carried out sparse-matrix screening, crystal optimisation and model building.

Post Graduate Research

Sam continued at the University of Sheffield carrying out research for a PhD.  His research focused on structural determination and analysis, by x-ray crystallography, of novel protein components from the bacterial type VI secretion system to further understand its molecular mechanism. Following his PhD, Sam continued as a Post-doctoral Research Associate working on the structural determination and functional analysis of putative pathogenic proteins from both the human pathogen B. pseudomallei and the chicken parasite E. tenella using x-ray crystallography and complementary biochemical assays.

“I was heavily involved in public outreach initiatives providing numerous opportunities to improve my communication of science to the public including open days at the Diamond Light Source in Oxford”, commented Sam.

Joining Peak Proteins

“I truly have the structural biology bug.  When I saw the job vacancy at Peak Proteins, I jumped at the opportunity to join a team where I could easily combine my love of protein chemistry and structural determination,” Sam continued.

Mark Abbott, Chief Executive Officer of Peak Proteins, added, “We are delighted to have Sam join us.  His involvement and enthusiasm for structural biology is a great asset as the demand for crystallography projects continues to increase.  Combining this with Sam’s experience of protein purification and production makes him an ideal addition to the team.”

Life Outside Work.

Sam enjoys working on advancements and development of future and disruptive technologies (such as 3D printing, deep learning, and digital currencies) and their role on global macro-economic patterns.

“My hobbies include developing Internet of Things devices for use in home automation, helping improve bitcoin-based technologies, and expanding my programming skills in particular data science related packages”, added Sam. Although in reality that involves endlessly shouting at Alexa and annoying his partner when the lights won’t work!

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