Protein Expression

Hear from one of our experts

Mark Elvin: Head of Cell Science

“Wi’ve um girt fowk ‘i cells, we doa wha’ needs ta be done, ’n’ll sithee reet”.

Mark Elvin: Head of Cell Science

Roughly translating from the Yorkshire, that reads along these lines…….

“At Peak Proteins we understand and value the contribution of every single member of our staff in being able to provide a premium Protein Science offering to our customers. Extending that analogy, our cells team are the foundation upon which everything else is built. Without them there would be nothing to purify protein from, nothing to characterise and we wouldn’t be able to elucidate beautiful protein structures”.

Summary of what we provide

If what you need is not listed below then please contact us, as it is likely that one of our team has experience with the technique you require.


Protein Construct Design

  • Guided by bioinformatics and modelling.
  • Affinity tags to aid expression, purification and to meet end use requirements.
  • Chimeras, mutations, truncations, deletions to meet project needs.
  • IMPROvER software for membrane protein stability.

Protein Expression

  • Host cell systems:
    • E.coli.
    • Insect (Sf9, Sf21 and Hi5).
    • Mammalian: HEK293-6E, CHO-3E7 and HEK Expi293.
  • Expression screening.
  • Culture volumes: From 10mL through to 25L scale.
  • Includes Wave bag reactors and Labforce5 bioreactor.
  • 15N, 13C, 2H Labelled minimal media to support NMR.
  • Co-transformation/transfection if required.
  • in vivo Biotinylation of target protein by co-expression of Bir A.

Protein Expression Resources

TitleContentCategoriesResources Typeshf:categorieshf:tax:resource_type
Developing a robust biopharmaceutical production processCase StudyMOREcase-study
Expression in CHO-3E7 cells with an optimised method key to producing a difficult to express proteinCase StudyMOREcase-study
Intrinsically Disordered Proteins as Drug Discovery Targets, , , MOREblog peak-favourites protein-expression protein-purification
Enhancing Biotherapeutic Protein yield through CHO Expression OptimisationCase StudyMOREcase-study
Using the BacMam System in HEK293-6E cells to Generate High Level Expression of a Membrane ProteinCase StudyMOREcase-study
Biotinylation of recombinant proteins by co-expression with BirA in a range of different cell hosts, PostersMOREprotein-expression protein-purificationposters
Production of Active Cereblon and Analysis by SPR, PostersMOREprotein-expression protein-purificationposters
Using Design of Experiments to Increase Protein Yield in HEK293 6E cellsCase StudyMOREcase-study
Labfors5 benchtop bioreactor, Blog, Company NewsMOREblog protein-expressionblog company-news
Comparing protein expression in Sf9 and Sf21 insect cellsCase StudyMOREcase-study
In vivo biotinylation of a secreted protein from mammalian cellsCase StudyMOREcase-study
Biotinylation of Recombinant Proteins, , BlogMOREblog protein-expression protein-purificationblog
In vivo biotinylation of a challenging target in insect cellsCase StudyMOREcase-study
Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Missing Cysteines.Case StudyMOREcase-study
Cell Culture Scientist, Company NewsMOREpeak-protein-news protein-expressioncompany-news
Cell Culture ScientistMOREprotein-expression
Recently Published Paper from Our COVID-19 Collaboration with MDC and Retrogenix, MOREpeak-protein-news protein-expression
Centrifuge Rotor Speed Calculator ToolVery comprehensive tool for calculating RCF values for most of the available centrifuge rotors, LinksMOREprotein-expression protein-purificationlinks
ExPASy Translate ToolTool to translate DNA sequences in all 6 frames, LinksMOREprotein-expression protein-purificationlinks
Choosing the Appropriate Platform to Express Your Recombinant Protein(s), MOREblog protein-expression
Protein Tag and Leader Sequence InformationSummary of commonly used tags for protein purification and Secretory leader sequences used for expression in either insect or mammalian …, , ProtocolMOREprotein-purification protein-construct-design protein-expressionprotocol
Determining Protein Concentration by UVAn in depth look at UV absorbance and the equation required to measure protein concentration., ProtocolMOREprotein-purification protein-expressionprotocol
Fluorescent Protein TagsSummary information about fluorescent tags that can be added to heterogeneously expressed proteins., ProtocolMOREprotein-purification protein-expressionprotocol
DNA FactsheetDNA or RNA concentration and purity estimation using spectroscopy. DNA mobility on Agarose gels.ProtocolMOREprotein-expressionprotocol
Biological BuffersPresented are tables to assist with the selection and preparation of commonly used buffers for use in biotechnology laboratories., ProtocolMOREprotein-expression protein-purificationprotocol
Harnessing the Power of the Metabolome – What Can Metabolomics Potentially Do for Us?, MOREblog protein-expression
Metabolic Profiling of Chinese Hamster Ovary Cell Cultures at Different Working Volumes and Agitation Speeds Using Spin Tube Reactors, MOREpeak-protein-news protein-expression
Expression, Purification and Biotinylation of a Heterotrimeric Protein ComplexCase StudyMOREcase-study
Tricks and Tips to Maximise Protein Expression in Mammalian CellsOur earlier BLOG outlined the benefits of using mammalian cells as an expression host, and here at Peak Proteins we …, MOREblog protein-expression
Production and analysis of an extensively post-translationally modified secreted proteinCase StudyMOREcase-study
Why express a protein in a mammalian cell host?Why would you choose to express a protein in a mammalian cell host? An obvious alternative is to use E. …, MOREblog protein-expression
Production of a post-translationally modified proteinCase StudyMOREcase-study